Communicating While Stressed

Too much stress can make us both physically and mentally ill, and because of this many personnel undergoing work-related stress are missing more and more work.

Strong leaders and managers strive to hit top communications whether there is little to no stress or everyone is ready to hit their next breakdown. To accomplish the highest point of communication these leaders must build strong trust and credibility. It’s even more important to use the best communication tools available when interacting with people under stress.

Listen First: The higher the level of stress, the more important it is to show that you are listening. People are more willing to listen to what you have to say when they believe you are listening to them in turn.

Be Brief and Clear: Remember, the greater the stress the greater the need for brevity, clarity and repetition. To help people understand your message, provide information in small chunks that are easily understood. Use familiar words and simple sentences. Communicate important points in more than one way and ask for confirmation to be sure you’re understood.

Speak of the Positive: Whatever circumstances are increasing the stress level in your workplace, keep finding ways to recognize and praise people for the things that are being done well. Praise and recognition may not change the circumstances, but they will help people react less negatively to them

Make it Personal: Increase face-to-face communication to help get your message across during times of high stress. When interacting in person pay attention to non-verbal signals. Use them to help you assess how your message is being heard. Also, watch what your own non-verbal communication is saying.

Be Sincere: If you say something in the heat of the moment that you know is out of line, apologize sincerely, as soon as you can, for having communicated inappropriately or with a lack of respect.

The more stressful our environment, the more we need to connect and communicate. It’s important to keep communications high and to be sure everyone is staying on the same page. You want to be supportive of all of your employees and be there for them when they need it. Though it will become more difficult to communicate it isn’t impossible to keep a happy workplace.

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