Keeping Turnovers at a Minimum

Employee turnovers can be rather expensive, not to mention aggravating and time-consuming. And yet, all too often small businesses find themselves with a high position turnover. How can these companies extend the stay of their employees, while maximizing the experience and opportunities for the company and employees?

Here are a few ideas to get you off to a good start.

Treat others how you’d want to be treated: It’s really rather simple, take the way that you would expect to be treated by employment and surround your employees with those ideas. Even if it’s something as small as offering hot coffee all day long, make it happen. These small things can make all the difference in your turnovers, and the happiness of employees.

Keep Company Morale High: When employees enjoy being at work every day, it’s more likely that they’ll stick around for a while. There is a high correlation between the morale of employees and the turnover of employees. Morale can be kept high by following a few essential steps which include team building, recognizing strong performances, giving feedback to employees and offering growth opportunities.

Recruit College Graduates: By offering a position to a newly graduated student, a strong relationship is immediately built, and there is chance to quickly build long-term loyalty. Of course, loyalty can be beaten if the money isn’t right. Be sure to inform new employees of potential promotion opportunities and let them know of all bonuses and benefits that come with the job. You want to offer an appealing opportunity.

Be True to Your Word: When offering a job opportunity and jazzing up the position, be sure not to exaggerate. If you inform your new employees that they will receive 2 weeks of vacation, then they better get the entire 2 weeks of vacation. You want a solid foundation for your company that is true to their word.

Expect Success: When an entire team has the same goals, you can expect to see results. People who feel successful in their work seem to stay with their employers longer, which means your turnovers will slow to a stop also. Demand success from your crew, and you will receive success. With this success the morale will continue to grow, and your turnovers will remain low.

Of course, low turnovers can’t be guaranteed to any company. But following the above steps is a great start!



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