Strategies to Make Resolutions a Reality

The New Year is a time to take stock of the previous twelve months and make plans for a better future. Too many people start the new year making outrageous projections for themselves, and their business. Business leaders get overly ambitious when they set goals for themselves, and end up running themselves right back into the ground. It’s all about pacing yourself. That tends to lead to disappointment. Here are a few strategies to keep the resolutions going strong.

Take Time for Refection

Taking time to reflect on the bigger vision for yourself. Make time for reflection every day. Schedule it in at the same time and make it a priority. Review where you are and refocus on what you are striving towards. Proposals, projects, potential clients, the list never ends. There will always be something to work on. So, know that, and then deliberately take time to yourself. If you don’t want to burn out, then spend time finding ways to keep on track. That’s how you sustain quality performance over the long term.

Pick One Thing

Pick one thing, and do it every day. No matter what. That’s how you improve, and that’s how big changes are made over time. As you master one then add more. Too many changes at once can be overwhelming, and you will end up giving up on all of them. If you master the daily habit of success, then you can go on to tackle more goals.

Invest in Yourself

This year, invest in yourself. If you want to change something in your life, don’t look to others to take the first step. Invest in new skills, invest in knowledge, invest in doing things that will bring you positive energy. You are where you’ll see the best return. If your goal is to start building your personal brand invest you time in growing your personal brand. The value of having a personal brand is only going to increase. Your Facebook profile is your personal brand. Your Instagram page is your personal brand. You are your greatest asset.

Grow your value

Stop networking and start providing other people value. Instead of walking around events handing out your business card, look for ways you can help the people you already know–and then extend a hand to their networks as well. This is how you build a real name for yourself.

Change is not external, it’s internal. You aren’t going to achieve all your goals. You might achieve five or three or maybe just two and that’s ok. Just make sure whatever you do, you do really well. It’s better to make promises you can keep, and let anything above and beyond be extra credit. Set the bar a bit higher than you did last year. If you surpass it, great–and everyone will celebrate with you.

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