Tips for Becoming a Great Manager

Believe it or not, it really doesn’t take much to be a boss. All you have to do is hire someone. The real challenge comes in when you strive to become a great manager, a manager that earns the respect of your employees. For most people, being a leader doesn’t come naturally. It takes some work and practice, just like anything else in life. Here are a few tips for becoming a great manager that your employees will want to follow.

First off, always remember that you need your employees. Without them, you wouldn’t be the manager of anything, much less a great manager. Each employee has knowledge and skills that you need, knowledge and skills that allow your business to run efficiently and profitably. To gain your employees’ respect, you need to respect them as well. Let them know that they are valued by giving them credit where credit is due. You can become a great manager that your employees respect when you let them know that they are important to you and to the business.

It can be very easy to pick favorite employees. You might even be doing it without realizing it. To some extent, this is natural because even bosses are human. In order to be a really great manager, you need to put personality and personal preferences aside. Treat all your employees fairly by assigning tasks based on the employee’s actual skill and ability. Be fair when it comes to giving raises, approving vacation requests, and making assignments and then reward good performance. A great manager makes fairness in the workplace a priority and your employees will see and appreciate this.

This one might seem like a no-brainer but as a great manager, you have to be willing to put in your share of work too. Your employees won’t react too kindly if they see you, a superior that they are supposed to look to for guidance, slacking off. Do everything you can to work hard and help your employees out when they need it. Your employees may grow resentful if you disappear when the going gets tough or unpleasant tasks need to be taken care of. A great manager isn’t afraid to step in and get their hands dirty if need be.

Everyone makes mistakes. Your job as a great manager is to correct those mistakes when they happen. Your employees and your business won’t progress if your problems aren’t addressed. Telling an employee that they did something wrong isn’t the most comfortable conversation you’ll have as a manager but it is necessary. Speak up as soon as you notice something to prevent the employee from developing a habit. You can correct mistakes in a helpful manner by offering feedback and coaching your employees. Ignoring problems will damage your employees’ morale because they will see that you don’t care about issues in the workplace and this will ultimately hurt your bottom line. A great manager is able to pinpoint problems and have those tough conversations for the betterment of their employees.

Being a great manager takes work but it will be well worth it when you see that your employees respect you and take your lead willingly.

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