Tips for Enhancing Workplace Communication

Communication is a very important part of becoming successful in the workplace. Whether you’re a CEO, supervisor or simply working a low-entry position you need to be good at communicating with others. The difference between getting a raise and getting passed up could be determined by how well you communicate with others both in the workplace and outside of the workplace.

1. Be courteous and respectful: Simply being polite and treating others no less than the way you would want to be treated is a great place to start. By speaking to others with respect they will in turn show respect for you.

2. Self-Asses: Be aware of your own communication knowledge/understanding and be sure to follow the rules just the same as everyone else no matter what your position in the company is.

3. Know When to Get Involved: Avoid being in the middle of any conflicts that may take place in the workplace and keep all negative and rude comments to yourself. This will make you a safe person to speak to when others are having issues, plus it can really help gain trust of others if you keep the information to yourself.

4. Use Active Listening: When others are speaking be sure to be actively listening. This means avoid using electronic devices, glancing around the room or acting otherwise distracted from the conversation you’re having with someone.

5. Restate: It’s important to both restate parts of what others say when they are listening and important to restate important parts of assignments or key points of a conversation to be sure whoever you’re speaking with has a thorough understanding of what is expected of them.

6. Ask Questions: If you feel like you do not fully understand your assignment or anything else related to work ask for clarification. No question is a stupid question when it comes to the work you’re producing.

7. Never Make Assumptions:  Right back to asking questions, do not assume anything. If you’re assuming something then that means that you are unsure, and if you are unsure then you should ask questions.

8. Avoid Communicating While Angry: If you’re angry and trying to communicate with someone then it most likely won’t be effective. It is important to deal with things once you have gathered your thoughts and plan what you will say in a way that will properly and not offensively convey the message you’re trying to send.

9. Respond. Don’t react. Be patient: You may have the best idea, but not everyone may understand it the first time. Accept that sometimes the same question may be asked more than once or that a colleague may forget a deadline unless reminded.

10. Don’t interrupt: While communicating it’s important to let the other person fully finish his/her idea before offering any feedback.

Along with these tips it’s nice to make eye contact, nod occasionally to show you’re listening and always be positive. No matter what the circumstance is you never want to offend or come off rude/negative when speaking to others at work.

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