Tips For Reducing Stress In The Workplace

It’s no surprise that stress in the workplace has increased significantly over the past several years. Budgets and staff are slashed but work levels remain the same or sometimes increase. This leads to overworked employees who start to burn out or get sick more severely and more often due to the high levels of stress weakening the immune system. Not only can stress cause employees to put their mental and physical health in jeopardy, but it also puts your business in jeopardy. Stressed employees just aren’t able to be as productive. It’s more important than ever for managers and HR professionals to recognize and combat workplace stress for the health of their employees and the company. Here are some tips for reducing stress in the workplace.

A good place for HR professionals and managers start in the battle against workplace stress is creating an absence management system. With so many software choices available, using paper forms or spreadsheets can cause you to miss important clues when it comes to employee absence. With an online system, you can monitor trends and analyze data to see if you can spot stress related absences early on. When you can see and understand patterns in your employees’ behavior, you can better address those issues.

It is also important for managers and HR professionals to express understanding and create a non-judgemental atmosphere when an employee is returning to work. No one likes to admit that they’ve been too stressed out but we’ve all been there at one point or another. Establish a return to work interview that allows your employees to be open with you about their stress. This also gives you a chance pinpoint areas of concern as well.

Managers and HR professionals could really benefit from a training program that teaches the signs of stress and offers more in-depth suggestions for managing it. These training programs have been improved with years of research and experience and can really help you understand what your employees are going through and what you can do to help them out. Depending on which one you choose, the program could even be tailored to your specific workplace.

Additionally, creating a workplace culture that is sensitive toward mental health is crucial. Stressful situations are bound to happen but each person has their own level of tolerance and way of handling those situations. Practicing kindness and understanding is actually a great way to put stress in its place. When we feel supported and accepted, it’s easier to deal with the challenges of the workplace. HR professionals and managers should set the example by emphasizing the importance of mental wellness and mutual respect and support.

Stress is an inevitable part of life and business. But with some help from their managers and HR professionals, employees can combat this stress. Of course, workplace leaders can only control their circumstances so much, but there is still much that can be done to reduce stress in the workplace and these tips are a good place to start.

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