Top 5 Reasons to Fire an Employee

As a business owner it’s important to understand what type of employees you need working in your place of business, the type of behavior that is and is not accepted from employees and when it is the right time to let someone go. The rules on firing are rather strict as you must have good reasoning to fire someone to avoid law suits and the potential shut down of your business.

With this in mind here are 5 behaviors that your company should disciplines with immediate termination so that your managers can continue doing their jobs effectively without having employees continuously act out without being punished.

1. Doesn’t follow the rules

It’s very important that you have set rules in the work place so that employees know whether or not their actions will be punished. After all, if there are no rules you could end up having quite the chaotic workplace. Having rules and having consequences helps continue the flow of the workplace along with the understanding that employees do have responsibilities that need to be taken care of. Examples of broken rules that should lead to termination include: sexual harassment, lack of completed work, missed deadlines, bullying, stealing, etc.

2. Does not fit the qualifications

When an employee is hired he/she is asked what skills and qualifications they have. This is an important part of figuring out what their role in the company will be. So, if they lie it won’t take too long before they’re out of a job. It’s important when new employees accept a job offer that they are capable of performing all duties assigned. If for some reason their work continues to fall short of expectations or timeliness it’s a good time to fire them.

3. Disrespects the company

Whenever hiring you want to look for someone who is willing to help make your company a better place. Someone who will be committed to your business and be committed to making your company look the best he/she can. If an employee begins showing up late often, leaving work often or verbally abusing your company’s name it’s probably best to let them go.|

4. But it was just a little white lie…

If an employee is lacking integrity and caught lying, even about something so small it doesn’t really matter, it’s best to fire them. If they’re willing to lie about the things that don’t matter then they’re also willing to lie about the things that do matter. This could really hurt your company and it puts you in a bad position the longer you keep them around.

5. An Employee Just Doesn’t Fit in

This may seem a little ridiculous since this isn’t high school anymore. However, it’s important that when you bring new employees into the company that their blend well with the other employees. You’re building your own culture and if someone or something doesn’t mix well you should replace it to continue having the best team you possibly can. Drama and problems slow down the production of work.

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