What is the Vacation Policy in your workplace?

You know that employee that’s always buried in their work and never takes a day off- even when they are sick? Do you ever wonder why they ignore the thought of taking their well-deserved, well-needed annual paid vacation?

Despite paid time off, believe or not, most are afraid you will replace them while they are gone. The idea of work piling up and the lack of customer service is a huge burden on employees, especially, feeling insecure due to todays’ economy. A lot employees feel they are the only ones that can do their particular job correctly.

Even though company culture influences paid time off, there are other reasons why employees do not utilize this tool, their biggest concern being communication from employers:

  • Most employers acknowledge vacation time.
  • Some employers send mixed signals about the time off.
  • Every now and then, some employers do not say anything at all, especially the advantages about taking time off.

For the employees that do follow through with scheduling their vacation time, rarely do they totally disregard work all-together. Some employees have a hard time refraining from responding to emails and returning phone calls.

The best solution for employees to feel safe from taking their paid time off is for employers is to influence them to use it. Not every company has a policy to do this, but it could actually work! Some employers even offer a pay for those employees that do not use their paid time off, even though using the days off is highly suggested.

In conclusion, at some point, every employee and employer needs a break. Being tired of working all the time can become overwhelming, you start feeling like a slave in the workplace. It can eventually open the door for more negative thoughts- and that’s when employees start contemplating their future with the company. Introducing an incentive, such as paid time off, to your employees will give them something to look forward to during the year.

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