Workplace Security: Designing a Plan

Companies spend a portion of their funds on security to protect valuable information in the workplace. Unfortunately, no matter how much they spend, workplace data can never be 100% protected, but employers can have additional training for employees to minimize risks of it happening.

Here’s a series of questions for protecting valuable information in the workplace when structuring a plan to maximize awareness:

  • Where are the potential risks coming from?
  • Should social media be used in the workplace?
  • How should I present awareness to employees to spark interest in the matter?
  • What kind of tools are available to protect valuable information?
  • How can I get employees to understand the practices we use in the workplace can benefit them at home?
  • Who all should I get involved when making final decisions about the plan that I design?

Other strategies that could improve security awareness in the workplace:

  • Extensive training on what programs should and shouldn’t be used in the workplace.
  • Offer workshops for visual triggers on what cyberattacks look like and derive from.
  • Incorporate technology to catch employees in the act.
  • Tell employees their job depends on protecting information.

Protecting valuable information should be taken seriously and employers should do everything in their power to minimize risks. What is your workplace doing to prevent these mishaps?

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